Saturday, December 15, 2007

Happy Holidays! (and stuff about maps)

The end of the calendar year is a good time as any to recap, well, the past year. In that same spirit of reflection, I'd like to take a moment and fix something that Martha and I should have included on this blog from the get-go: information.
"Where are Martha and Julien, and where do I find information about this place?"
Good question dear reader. Well, Martha and I are in Georgia. (Not the state, I hasten to add.) The Republic of Georgia is in "The Caucuses", which is a lovely place found NE of Turkey, N of Iraq, NW of Iran, and - of course - S of Russia.
Here are some quick links for those too lazy to Google:
On another note; Martha and I have moved! Without delving into the details or reasons for this change, we've been quite stressed out about this move for a while, and its good to be done with it. We're still in our same village (pronounced "Willadge") in Georgian, and teaching in the same schools. In the move, we realized how much stuff we've amassed: keeping in mind that we left Peace Corps staging in D.C. with only 2 big bags, now we've got 4 more.
Like Martha said in a previous post, we're going to be spending the holidays in Europe with my family, so you might have to wait until January to see any updates from Georgia.
To everyone reading out there, from our friends and family in the States and Europe, to Ryan in Central America, Jen in Japan, and Peter, well, wherever the hell he is in South America these days, have a happy and safe holiday season!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Woo hoo! I figured out how to comment on your blog ^_^ Happy holidays to yoy guy! I love reading about your adventures, looking forward to more great stories in 2008!