Saturday, May 17, 2008

Blogging Blackout

Sorry we've been so mute these last few weeks, but we haven't had much time to blog, or to get to the internet. With great sadness, we lost our host father Gio a few weeks ago, and joined our host family for the funeral. His laugh, bear hugs/neck kisses, and overall generosity and love will be greatly missed.
We also hosted Martha's sister Libby and her friend Emily for a few days and travelled with them from Tbilisi to Ateni, Terjola and finally Batumi. It was a rapid trip, but hopefully one which they enjoyed as much as we did. We were able to introduce them to our friends, our host families, and "our" lovely Georgia, which played a great host by allowing us the benefit of beautiful weather, warm hospitality, and full-to-the-brim marshutkas. We will be posting a gigabyte or so of pictures to our Picasa site as soon as we can get to Tbilisi, which (as can be read by our newsbar and my shared articles) may not be for some time, due to Parliamentary elections and geopolitical scuffles. Hopefully, by the first week of June, we should be able to flood your inboxes with more pictures and stories from the last month, but until then, droebit!

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